Yes, You!

Do not suppose that you escape His attention this day.

Before the foundation of the world it was God’s intention that you be pursued and loved well.

It has never once occurred to Him that you are any less than adored and highly valued.

On this day, with all the universe seeking His eye, He settles on you with divine joy and passionate love.

He will linger. He will lay gifts at your feet. He will hold your life in the palm of His hands.

You are not alone in your trials today. His presence penetrates every molecule of your being.

He sees your fears and He sees your potential.

He sees your doubts and He sees your misgivings.

He traded His beloved Jesus to bring you home.

He hangs on every word you say and waits diligently for you to turn your eyes homeward to Him.

He will never tire of pouring out His great affections upon you.

You are the cherished one, the beloved, that you always longed to be.

Walk in this day with the knowledge that in all the world you are His unique creation and the circumstances of your life cannot change that.

You, yes you, are the treasure that brings the King of Glory joy.

Turn around and look into that love. Receive all that you need to walk through this day.

Your heart is held upright.

Your head is adorned with a crown of beauty.

You are completely loved.

You, yes you.

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