O Holy Night

We have barely ventured into the Advent season and I am already quite ensconced in Christmas music of all genres. It amazes me how those songs of old can evoke such whimsical memories of childhood dreams and days gone by. Sometimes my heart bursts when Bing Crosby croons on White Christmas and other times I find myself reveling in some high mass choral piece that soars with soprano voices reaching for the stars. It is all quite magical to me and to so many others.

Each year, as I listen and sing along, I find myself compelled to journey to one particular line from the classic, O Holy Night, and park there for a good long while, pondering the depth of meaning and longing to know in ever deepening ways the mysteries of such truth.

“Till He appeared, and the soul felt it’s worth.”

I marvel in wonder at the possibility that could birth for each of us in those words. Jesus came. He appeared in a cold, lonely, dark world. He brought the light because He is the light. And now we have begun this season that is crammed full of possibility and celebration of all kinds. We read the story, we sing the story, we commemorate the story with gifts and tokens of affection.

Yet, I ponder still. Does the soul know it’s worth? Does my soul know it’s worth? And does your soul know it’s worth? I think we have not reached the fullness of truth here. We still seem to be locked into the absurd idea of earning worth for ourselves. I’ve looked for that secret formula, searched for the treasure map, and come up empty every time. The truth of the matter is that we can’t earn that which is priceless even to God.

I know I have value and I know you have value. Perhaps you know that too but then we want to quantify the value which leads to comparison and then we end up back at square one. You and I didn’t create the standard of measurement. Only the heart and eyes of our Holy Father know the breadth and majesty of the soul’s worth.

Once again, the clue comes in that one line of the song. The soul knew no worth until He appeared. The key, to this and every lock, is of course, Jesus. The mystery of Christmas is that God sent our worth in the form of a little baby born in a manger. We know the story so well yet we seem to miss a crucial detail year after year…..there would be a trade. There would be a gift. There would be a sacrifice. Your life for His. My life for His.

The value of your soul to God? Jesus.

This year, 2020, the year that everyone wants to wish away, is not a throw-away. This Christmas, when there will be so many missing, and so many celebrations we will not get to have, there is something you can have and can know. Push away all the bells, whistles, and trappings of a worldly holiday and embrace and feel your truth…..you are worth Jesus to God. Feel that. Know that. In all the world there is only one like you. You are treasured and adored by a relentlessly tender Father who will never leave you or forsake you. That is your truth. That is your destiny. You will not find this truth in the world because it wasn’t born here and doesn’t exist here.

We will celebrate His appearance once again on December 25. Turn away from the world and turn toward your Father. Feel your soul’s worth as you look into the eyes that spared no expense to ensure your value and call you His own. Trust what you can’t see. Trust what your heart needs to know. He is yours and you and His. May our souls blaze hot and bright with a knowledge that is too wonderful!

3 thoughts on “O Holy Night

  1. Thank you so much for this Kris, really makes me think. I love the way you just paint pictures for me by teaching the Word of God. Thanks for sharing the gifts God has given you. Love you❤️🙏

  2. Kris, I am in awe of the inspirational words God has laid on your heart to share with us. I have a more meaningful way to listen to and sing O Holy Night. May God continue to bless you with this wonderful gift of words.

  3. Thanks Kris for your always encouraging and insightful words. I have a teenage granddaughter who needed to be reminded that she is never alone. She is taking some standardized tests and becomes very anxious! I will share with her.❤️

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