What Do You See?

What do you see when you find a broken shell on a beach? Do you see something that has no value because it doesn’t possess the perfection you believe is the goal in all things? Or do you see the beauty that can come from stripping away the exteriors and showing the vulnerable and lovely brokenness of the interior? Do you see the majesty of truth and full expression?

What do you see when walking in nature on a crisp fall day? Do you see the end of things and the loss of purpose? Or do you see the hope of change and the knowledge that as one season ends, the possibility of roots growing deeper becomes a reality? Do you see His transformation process in action as leaves push out His brilliance in a myriad of blazing color? Do you catch the closeness of His Spirit as mists and fog hover on the hillsides? Do you feel His embrace in the cascades of falling leaves?

What do you see when you open a Bible? Do you see two-dimensional words on a page that describe unobtainable standards, condemnation, excuses to hate and judge, and a list of rules meant to make ourselves acceptable and attractive? Or do you see a multi-dimensional love that jumps off the pages and breathes life into dead spaces? Do you see one story and one truth, that from start to finish, is a rescue plan that saved no expense to rescue the beloved? Do you see the transparency of God, made plain to see in the Son, who loved recklessly and with utter abandon, even as His flesh was being ripped apart?

What do you see when you look at a stranger? Do you see right through them as if they weren’t there because you recognize no value in them? Do you see someone as better than you or worse than you based on the faulty data of a comparing eye? Or do you see a fellow traveler that is on another path and place? Do you see any remnant in them that they too were created in the image of God? Do you see value?

What do you see when you look in a mirror? Do you see all the imperfections of mistakes and false ideas of identity? Do you see lies you believe? Or do you see, perhaps only dimly yet hopefully, a reflected beauty of the Glory of God that shines in His never-wavering eyes of love that glisten with the tears of complete and passionate love? Do you see potential and worth? Do you see wonder and hope and life?

What do you see when you walk in a church? Do you see judgmental people and an angry God who only insists you jump through His impossible obstacle course? Or do you see a beckoning Messiah who is waiting on His hands and knees with a towel and basin of water? Do you see a place of safety and hope? Or only a place of judgment and ridicule?

What do you see when you look at someone you love? Do you see opportunities for yourself and getting your needs met? Do you see the potential pitfalls of betrayal and abuse? Or do you see someone that you can pour life and encouragement into? Do you see someone who is worthy to be cherished no matter the personal costs? Do you see someone you would lovingly sacrifice for? Do you see a blessing from God into your life?

What do you see when you are all alone? Do you see hopelessness and blame and fear? Or do you see a Father, a Son, and a Spirit that have promised to never leave you even for one second? Do you see the deep expressions of constant and unfailing love and affection? Do you see your value when no person, no thing, and no accomplishment is speaking them to you?

The question before us in every circumstance is the same……what do you see? We have a choice. We have two sets of eyes. One set is in our natural selves and can only see things from an earthly and distorted view. With these eyes we see through the dim lens of judgment, disappointment, fear, comparison, and lies. There is another set of eyes. It takes practice to see with these eyes because we forget to use them. They are the eyes of our hearts and they live in our spirits that Jesus’ paid the price to bring life to. These eyes see with hope, compassion, truth, and a love without limits or bounds.

We have been given a rare gift….to choose what we see and how we see. Every day we get to choose. I choose to see with the eyes of my heart and the more I see with those eyes, the more I begin to see with His eyes.

I want my eyes to glisten with a great and pure affection for all I see.

What will you see today?